Recent Newsletters:



Autumn 2016 progress report

September was a beautiful month for Tenpyozan in Lake County, California, and in Maple Lake Minnesota...
Rev. Gengo Akiba was able to touch the very heart of Zen practice in the United States by reaching out to the ASZB at Zenshiji in Los Angeles and then to the SZBA at its bi-annual colloquy in Minnesota... Read more...



Dedication of a Roof-tile

It's a great old tradition to sponsor a single tile or shingle on the roof of a Buddhist temple... One tile alone does not provide much in the way of shelter, but working together, and combining our efforts, a huge building can be covered. Can you catch the deep metaphor here?.. Read More...


ZEN and the cries of the world

part 1

part 2

Shakyamuni Buddha taught to never turn away from any suffering. But what does that look like?  Buddha talked about old age, sickness and death, which are timeless. But now human beings also know about climate change, racism, war, poverty, terrorism, and many other systemic forms of suffering... Read More...