The Tenpyozan project is a unique laboratory for the continous Zen experiment.
Many of the defining moments in our Soto Zen tradition have been questions; Shakyamuni Buddha's original quest to end suffering, Bodhidharma's interview with the Emperor Wu, Dogen Zenji's journey to China, and every senior practitioner's Hosen "dharma combat" ceremony are examples of this.
Over a century ago the first Soto Zen Buddhist teachers visited North America. In the early twentieth century Zen Temples were established by Japanese immigrants in Hawai'i, Peru, and California. Despite political conflict and cultural misunderstanding Zen thought has permeated and inspired western culture. There are now more than 300 Soto Zen priests outside Japan, and numerous temples and centers throughout the world.
Tenpyozan will be an internationally recognized practice center, Purpose built for all Zen lineages to practice and train together.